Support In A Trime of Trial & Transtion
How long will Fr. Treco and his family
have to reside in that strange land?
No one really knows!
What we do know is that for the foreseeable future, Fr. Treco will have to find a place in which he and his wife Norma can settle down and make a home. Fr. Treco is currently being re-tooled in an occupation which by year's end should provide sufficient income for he and Norma to meet their monthly obligations. Even so, December is light-years away from July when you have no income!
With the practical realities of life in mind, "Friends of Fr. Treco" has created this support page to encourage faithful Catholics and people of good will to come to the aid of Fr. Treco (and Norma) as he (or they) transition to what we daily pray will be a temporary state of life.
Father's Chief Need: Prayer
"I beg your prayers that
I may not falter in my fidelity to Our Lord Jesus Christ,
to the Catholic Church, to the Deposit of Faith,
or to the holy vocation entrusted to me!"
~ Fr. Treco
Spiritual Support Options
- Offer your Sunday or Daily Mass for Fr. Treco;
- Have Masses offered for Fr. Treco and other priests who have been, are or will be treated unjustly!
- Add Fr. Treco to your intentions when your pray the Holy Rosary;
- Offer your Holy Rosary for Fr. Treco and other priests who have been, are or will be treated unjustly!
- Email, Text, Tweet or Facebook Message Fr. Treco a word of encouragement;
- Email, Text, Tweet or Facebook Message Fr. Treco and other priests who have been, are or will be treated unjustly!
- Resolve to become holy!
- Become a saint!
Our Lord Jesus Christ established the Sacred Priesthood to offer Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, to instruct the faithful and the salvation of souls. The best support that each of us can give too Fr. Treco and other faithful priests — especially those who have been, are or will be treated unjustly — is to pursue holiness with all that we are and have!
Material Support Options
- Make a donation to the Fr. Treco GoFundMe Appeal;
- Dispatch a gift via PayPal;
- Send him a card with your gift via Snail Mail!
Feel free to support him by any one or all of the above! None of them work for you? Go ahead, be creative!